MINUTES OF MEETING CHAMPIONSGATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the ChampionsGate Community Development District was held Monday, July 17, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at the offices of RIDA Development, 8390 ChampionsGate Boulevard, Suite 104, ChampionsGate, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Lee Dawson Chairman Darin Tennyson by phone Vice Chairman Elizabeth Allen Assistant Secretary Darlene Clevenger Assistant Secretary Douglas Cady Assistant Secretary Also present were: Jason Showe District Manager Scott Clark District Counsel Pete Glasscock District Engineer Evan Fracaso RIDA Associates Yvonne Shouey RIDA Associates FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Showe called the meeting to order and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period There being none, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the May 8, 2023 Meeting On MOTION by Ms. Clevenger seconded by Mr. Cady with four in favor the minutes of the May 8, 2023 meeting were approved as presented. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Hearing July 17,2023 ChampionsGate CDO On MOTION by Ms. Allen seconded by Ms. Clevenger with four in favor the public hearing was opened. Mr. Showe stated there are two resolutions associated with your budget, the first is Resolution 2023-04 that adopts the budget. There is no assessment increase and we have captured all the onsite field issues. The capital projects fund is on page 8 and at the end of the fiscal year we expect to have $630,000, which should be sufficient for future capital projects. There was no public present to comment. Ms. Allen asked is the increase in property msurance a finn number or is that an estimate? Mr. Showe responded that is the number from the company and we are seeing that in all of our districts. They came out and reviewed the property with Evan a few months ago. Ms. Allen stated landscape miscellaneous is a large increase . What is driving that jump? Mr. Fracaso stated that is the landscape enhancement to the entrance for the island coming in and cleaning out the front of the arch area. Ms. Allen stated that could be a one-time issue. Mr. Fracaso stated one time just for this year. I have a quote but I think we need to tweak it, but we are not going to touch that until the November timeframe when we make a final decision. Ms. Allen stated that is a jump in sidewalks. What is driving that number? Mr. Fracaso stated replacement of damaged sidewalks throughout the District as well as sidewalk maintenance. Ms. Allen stated two years ago we walked it and updated it. Mr. Glasscock stated that number is right. We just finished our review of the District and you are probably going to need that. You may want Evan to look into purchasing your own equipment rather than contracting it out. Ms. Allen stated what we found in buying our own equipment in Bella Trae is we have expectations of the staff, and they will find every excuse not to use it and we had two people injured. Ms. Shouey stated we found the same thing with the tractor; it is in for repair because nobody really knows how to run the tractor. Mr. Dawson joined the meeting at this time. 2 July 17,2023 ChampionsGate CDD A. Consideration of Resolution 2023-04 Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and Relating to the Annual Appropriations On MOTION by Ms. Allen seconded by Ms. Clevenger with all in favor Resolution 2023-04 Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and Relating to the Annual Appropriations was approved. B. Consideration of Resolution 2023-05 Imposing Special Assessments and Certifying an Assessment Roll Mr. Showe stated attached to Resolution 2023-05 will be the adopted budget and the assessment roll. This is the mechanism that places the assessments on the tax bill. There was no public present to provide comment. On MOTION by Ms. Clevenger seconded by Ms. Allen with all in favor Resolution 2023-05 Imposing Special Assessments and Certifying an Assessment Roll was approved. On MOTION by Ms. Clevenger seconded by Mr. Dawson with all in favor the public hearing was closed. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2023-06 Designating an Assistant Treasurer of the District Mr. Showe stated we are adding Darrin Mossing, Sr., the president of our company as an Assistant Treasurer. On MOTION by Ms. Allen seconded by Mr. Dawson with all in favor Resolution 2023-06 designating Darrin Mossing, Sr. as Assistant Treasurer was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Landscaping Agreement with Weber Environmental Services Mr. Fracaso stated Weber was acquired by a company out of Michigan. Ken Weber, the original owner, sold his entire interest and has no obligation to continue to stay on and assist the company, but he is still staying on. There is no change in his staffing, the only change we are seeing is in billing. Ms. Shouey stated he has a two-year obligation. Mr. Fracaso stated he has a two-year obligation but a lot of time with those buyouts there is a 10% clause. 3 July 17,2023 ChampionsGate CDD Mr. Clark stated I took a look at this because the letter described it as a merger and what happened is that the Michigan company actually formed a new LLC and bought the assets and took an assignment of the contract. I reached out to the law firm and had some trouble getting a response from them, but I asked them to tell me exactly what happened. There was a closing, purchase of assets and a document that assumed our contract. Our contract is not assignable for very good reasons. We may want to keep them, but there will need to be a document that we sign and they sign that memorializes that. I asked that law firm to send me the actual document that transfers the contract. We will need to do something if you want to keep with Weber, there will be some housekeeping that we need to do. In all these situations we have a contract that has an out so if things go downhill, we have something we can do about it. Ms. Allen asked when does out contract expire? Mr. Clark stated at the end of this next fiscal year. Ms. Clevenger stated we do have two one-year options and that is what we want to make sure we don't lose. Ms. Shouey stated the price was locked in too. Mr. Clark stated since he was going to market his company, he was eager to lock that in. Ms. Allen asked when did this transition happen? Ms. Shouey stated a couple months ago. Ms. Allen asked have you noticed a change in service or responsiveness? Mr. Fracaso responded no. Ms. Shouey stated I disagree, on the boulevard there is bare spot after bare spot. They haven't tried to put anything in where they took the old out. I think they need more hands on, they will be okay, but I don't think you have the same guys out there. Mr. Fracaso stated it is the same guys, they have added a few lower levels, but the crew lead guys are the same guys w3ho have been here for years. Ms. Allen stated the median on Masters where they cut off at the shrub level, you can still see the stump of the dead palm. Mr. Fracaso stated they are coming back to get that flush cut better. They put in a 10 to 12-foot queen palm. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney 4 July 17, 2023 ChampionsGate CDD There being none, the next item followed. B. Engineer i, Traffic Engineer's Report Regarding Masters Boulevard Four-Way Stop Warrant Mr. Glasscock stated the first item is the four-way stop evaluation and we did not meet the criteria. We have done the engineer's inspection of the District, everything looks like it is in good shape, there is vegetation around some structures that needs to be cleaned out and get some of the ponds cleaned up. The bad news is we are looking at the boulevard a little bit closer. It is in not as good a shape as I thought it was when you look at it closer. It is not in real good shape; it has fatigue and cracking. .In roughly two years you are going to have to significant repairs, maybe 3 -4 you are going to have look at doing some isolated mill and resurfacing and maybe 5 years we will be at mill and resurfacing on the length of it. There are a couple ways to handle it. This is the engineer looking at it, not taking core samples. All roads are pretty much paved to the same standards and there are three things that will kill a road, one is age, two is underuse and three is overuse. You are within a five-year window, just by observation. You will mill and resurface in about 15-18 years and it is within that window. ii. Grate in Bella Trae Mr. Glasscock stated I didn't know what kind of grate they put on that outfall structure the HOA replaced; that wasn't a standard grate; that was diamond plating and it rusted out and needs to be replaced with an FDOT approved grate. Ms. Allen stated it is not a DOT approved grate. The CDD reimbursed Bella Trae for that grate. Mr. Clark stated if we gave them specs to replace the grate and they did something else and we paid for it then we should ask them to redo it. Mr. Glasscock stated I don't know that they were given specs. Mr. Clark stated I would like to know if we paid for what was to spec and they did something else or we paid less money. Mr. Glasscock stated if I remember at the meeting it was just a bill to replace the grate and clean the vegetation around it. It seems like it was $5,800 or $6,800. The grate I suggest would cost about $1,500. 5 July 17,2023 ChampionsGate CDD Mr. Clark stated if it is $1,500 to put a new one on, let's not spend that in my time. Just approve a not to exceed. Mr. Glasscock stated the is the cost of the grate then Evan's crew find a way to get it and bring it and install it. I would say double it. Mr. Clark stated be practical about it and get it fixed. Mr. Fracaso stated we have a piece of equipment that will pop the old one out and put the new one in and the labor would be included in the onsite management fee. On MOTION by Mr. Dawson seconded by Ms. Clevenger with all in favor staff was authorized to have the grate replaced in an amount not to exceed $3,000. C. Manager i. Approval of Check Register Mr. Showe presented the check register from May 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023 in the amount of$83,083.62. On MOTION by Mr. Dawson seconded by Ms. Allen with all in favor the check register was approved. ii, Balance Sheet and Income Statement A copy of the financials was included in the agenda package. No Board action was required. iii. Approval of Fiscal Year 2024 Meeting Schedule On MOTION by Mr. Dawson seconded by Ms. Clevenger with all in favor the Fiscal Year 2024 meeting schedule reflecting the following dates was approved: December 11, 2023, February 12, 2024, April 8, 2024, May 13,2024, July 15,2024 and September 9, 2024. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no comments, the next item followed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests 6 July 17, 2023 ChampionsGate COO Mr. Fracaso stated to your question about the electricity upfront at the interchange; what we found was during the construction process of the interchange they cut our underground electric in two to three places. Everything there for our services is non-functional, nonreparable. If we want to move forward to continue with fountains, I have been in contact with Counsel here if we want to go back to DOT because they were the administrator of the contract as to any repairs that DOT would do. We have to have an easement to actually be in there, we have an enhancement but there is no easement to run power. Legally, we would be grasping. Mr. Clark stated it is not a straight line. Mr. Fracaso stated DOT has been non-responsive and they don't want to deal with it. The line wasn't where it was on the drawings. The only real argument is why wouldn't they call Oops out to locate it. There is a transformer that sits right on Osceola Parkway before you go under 1-4 and that is the only power. Do a directional bore under ChampionsGate to get power to our disconnect. Currently, the controller for the smaller pond to go westbound on 1-4 is on the ramp. 1 would just rebuild the entire controller as close as I can to that transformer. As it sits now it is about $50,000 fir the directional boring, the underground and everything. I'm working on revised pricing and another vendor to move that closer so we shorten that distance. I will have solid numbers at the next meeting. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments There being no comments, the next item followed. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Dawson seconded by Ms. Allen with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m. ecr 7