MINUTES OF MEETING CHAMPIONSGATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the ChampionsGate Community Development District was held Monday, December 9, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. at the offices of RIDA Development, 8390 ChampionsGate Boulevard, Suite 104, Champions Gate, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Lee Dawson Chairman Darin Tennyson Vice Chairman Elizabeth Allen Assistant Secretary Darlene Clevenger Assistant Secretary Douglas Cady Assistant Secretary Also present were: Jason Showe District Manager Scott Clark District Counsel Pete Glasscock Hanson Walter Marc Reicher RIDA Associates Evan Fracaso RIDA Associates FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Showe called the meeting to order and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period There being no comments, the next item followed. TIDRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Appointment oflndividual to Fill the Board Vacancy in Seat no. 2 with a Term Ending November 2028 On MOTION by Mr. Dawson seconded by Ms. Allen with all in favor Mr. Tennyson was reappointed to seat no. 2. December 9, 2024 ChampionsGate CDD B. Administration of Oath of Office to Newly Appointed Board Member Mr. Showe being a notary public of the State of Florida administered the oath of office to Ms. Allen, Mr. Cady and Mr. Tennyson. Mr. Showe stated the ethics training should be taken by the end of this calendar year. C. Consideration of Resolution 2025-01 Electing Officers On MOTION by Ms. Clevenger seconded by Mr. Dawson with all in favor Resolution 2025-0I was approved reflecting the same slate of officers. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the September 9, 2024 Meeting On MOTION by Ms. Allen seconded by Ms. Clevenger with all in favor the minutes of the September 9, 2024 meeting were approved as presented. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Data Sharing and Usage Agreement with Osceola County Property Appraiser Mr. Showe stated this is the annual agreement with the Osceola County property appraiser. On MOTION by Mr. Dawson seconded by Mr. Tennyson with all in favor the data sharing and usage agreement with Osceola County property appraiser was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney There being no comments, the next item followed. B. Engineer There being no comments, the next item followed. 2 December 9,2024 ChampionsGate CDD C. Manager i, Approval of Check Register On MOTION by Ms. Allen seconded by Ms. Clevenger with all in favor the check register was approved. ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement A copy ofthe financials was included in the agenda package. D. Onsite Manager's Report (1) Discussion of Construction Notice for Force Main Replacement Project from Midsouth, Inc. Mr. Fracaso reviewed the onsite manager's report for October and November, that included the force main replacement project. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no comments, the next item followed. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments There being no comments, the next item followed. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Dawson seconded by Mr. Tennyson with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 2:38 p.m. 3